Monday, March 30, 2009

Tiger Woods..........

Is still the baddest man on the least on the golf course. Tiger was 5 strokes back of the leader going into the final round of the Arnold Palmer Invitational at Bay Hill down in Florida.

5 strokes back! Think about it.....on a par 70 course.......the leader, Sean O'Hair would only have to par (shoot 70) and Woods would have to shoot a 65.......just to tie.

But this is what Tiger does......he gets into the heads of his competitors....they know he's a coming.

And on Sunday.......he not only came..........he went.......and won. Woods shot a final round of 67....while O'Hair shot a 3 over par 73.

On the 18th and final hole..........vintage Tiger........putted .......for a 12 foot birdie.......and the win.

And........that surgically reconstructed knee........fared very well during his high stepping celebration.

We learned............."He's baaaaaaack!"

From.......64 ......a 4.........

It took two weeks......64 teams started out in the NCAA's annual mens basket
ball classic.....affectionately known as "March Madness"..... From 64 the "sweet 16". was the "Elite 8"....

Now, the "Final 4".......

UConn.......North Carolina.......Villanova.........and Michigan State.....two number 1 seeds.......a 2.......and a 3 seed.

Who will win? I don't know.....but it'll be fun to watch....come the next week end.

Atlanta 86, L A Lakers 76.......

Yes..........a statement game. These young Hawks had lost 2 home games in a row.....But Sunday they had the largest crowd Phillips Arena........though half were wearing Laker jerseys ..........Kobe......was shut down....the Hawks played some defense..........and a funny thing happened..........They won a basketball game.

Already assured a spot in the post-season........these young 'uns are priming themselves for a run. a play-off run..........

With the 4th spot all but secured.......the Hawks should get into the second round....and then....who knows?

From the AJC: Hawks hold off Kobe and the Lakers the ATL......

Saturday.....I drove to Atlanta.....Sunday...........I drove to Atlanta....And today, I drove to Atlanta..

I'm so glad.....just to be alive.

80.....85.....not the posted speed limit..........but the average speed on I-285, I-20, I-75, and I-85.......those "super speedways" these Atlantans love to use to emulated the late, great Dale Earnhardt........

Things I personally witnessed....this week-end:

While at a red light........the green light (with the arrows) comes on for the left hand turning cars...........the fool to my right..........runs the red light....he's taking on a cell phone. Narrowly misses on coming traffic.

On I-85........I'm in the far left lane....going 80.....a car to my right.....swerves.....toward me....missed a few inches......she was trying to get by a slower vehicle.....and guess what........she was on a cell phone too.......

On our........ famous "loop" here in this southern kept "flashing" me.....a warning that police activity is just over the hill..........I cross the hill.......and yes.....there is a cop.....a motorcycle cop..........on the side of the road....but instead of holding a radar gun...........yes.......yes........he is on his cell phone.......

Go figure............

Hope you had a great week-end.

Friday, March 27, 2009

In this southern college town........

All is well.......

For it is raining.....has been for the last three days............

Something new for the drought ridden south. Some things we're following: be fired......Such is the case at Kentucky........

Gillispie out as Kentucky coach

Yep..........after just 2 out ....gone..........fired.....Kentucky ran Tubby Smith out of Gillispie.........

I hope they never win another game......These fools from Kentucky expect their team to win the NCAA championship.......every year. Welcome to the reality .......of the real world.

March Madness??????????

No "madness" this year..........With the exception of Arizona.......the regionals of the NCAA mens basketball tournament has all the top seeds........still playing... "Cinderellas" upsets.......And that's a good thing. Let's have "big boy" basketball.

Things.......I think.......I'm thinking....

I still hate driving at night.......when I approach a fool who will not dim his lights.....

Are the "Geico" commercials are as annoying to they are to you?

Twitter......... I still don't get you........

Did we..........somehow miss Easter????? Or is it still to come?

I think..........I am gaining weight........for the first time in my life.....

Enjoy.....your Friday.......

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tim Tebow.....

He of the University of Florida.....has made quite a name for himself as the quarterback for the national champion Gators.

It was last September, 27.......Florida was Ole Miss, 31-30......

In an emotional speech following the game, Tebow held back tears and vowed this would never happen again. didn't..........The Gators went on to win every other game.......and their second national championship in three years.

A few days ago.......a plaque was placed on a wall outside of the Florida Field field football facility.

People say ........he's good to be true.....

I'd take on my a Miami minute........

Here's the speech........courtesy of YouTube:

Friday, March 20, 2009

So this is what our congressmen and women the midst of an economic meltdown.....a savings and loans crisis.......the AIG scandal .....and so forth.

Corrine Brown, a congresswoman from Florida.....should concentrate on all of the above....and leave the sport's world to us.

"Gradulate" ?????

From YouTube:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

70 this southern college town....

Spring.....has sprung.

Some stories we're following....

If only these games meant something....

The Atlanta Braves are 13-3 in the grapefruit league known as pre-season in Major league baseball. This is the best record in all of baseball.

These games count....

Meanwhile .......the Atlanta Hawks have won 6 straight (
Hawks win 6 straight, roll by Kings)
The Hawks are holding on to the 4th spot in the NBA east. Go Hawks.......

The big here........

No.......this year 5 on Five will not have a contest..........fill out your own bracket.......keep your own score.

Recession????? Where?????

If we are supposed to be in a deep recession........why is it........when I go to a's packed........a waiting list. When I go to a grocery store........all lanes filled.....and backed up.....The malls........all full of shoppers........And the highways? Full of cars..........and more cars...........

Thank you.....6eVoice........

You made a post.....I pooh poohed it...............big mistake on my's hoping you will make a lot more............Our readers.......deserve it.

Have a great Wednesday!

So........just who is this Mary McElroy???

A black female.......

And why is she worthy of a post....on 5 on Five?

We give you her highlights..........

McElroy is known for successfully launching a football program at Georgia State, to begin play in 2010. Along with the new program will also be women's lacrosse. McElroy also hired Rod Barnes in March 2007 to rebuild Georgia State basketball.

In 2006, the National Association of Collegiate Women Athletic Administrators (NACWAA) named McElroy as the NCAA Division I-AAA Administrator of the Year. In 2008, she was recognized by the Black Coaches and Administrators (BCA) for advancing sports and athletes in the Atlanta area.

McElroy's athletic management career began in 1992 at the Naval Academy, where she worked her way up to Assistant Athletic Director, Director of Alumni Services and Senior Woman Administrator. Before joining Georgia State, McElroy spent time working at Georgia Tech. After first serving as Director of Compliance, she left Georgia Tech as Senior Associate Director of Athletics and Senior Woman Administrator.

And after all of this.......she was Georgia State...

Georgia State dismisses AD |

A legal battle ensued .........of course..........evidentially dropped.

And Mary has been hired by Southern Methodist University (SMU).....

Mary McElroy Joins Mustang Staff

We applaud Mrs. McElroy for standing tall in an industry controlled mostly by old white men. Georgia State's loss will be SMU's gain.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I had ........

An emergency meeting this afternoon.....with my Atlanta, Georgia.

Was the company closing our office? Was I being fired? Was there to be a realignment? all of the above.

Just .....a meeting.

Whew! And.........mind you........this is Friday the 13th..........

But driving down to Atlanta..........driving in the fast lane........every car I passed.......the driver was on a cell phone.............And I'm thinking, "Who is.... he or she........talking to.......and what's so damned important about their conversation."

The meeting lasted one hour and thirty minutes..........We all still have jobs. We were told that the standards are constantly being't get complacent....

Still........I'm thinking about all those vehicles..........with the drivers on cell phones........and I thank my lucky stars every time I make it back home. least I didn't see anybody texting...........

In case you missed it.....

Last night in a Big East conference quarter final game in Madison Square Garden, Syracuse beat Connecticut, 127-117........

But that is only 1/6 ........of the story.

This game had .......six........6.......VI..........overtimes!!!!!!!!!!!

From the New York Daily News:

Long night is absolute Madness

Daily News writer, Sean Brennan, had some interesting numbers....

Check this out:

•Four players from each team fouled out.

•The game took 3:46 to play. (It started at 9:36 p.m. Thursday and ended at 1:22 a.m. Friday).

•There were 244 points scored in the game.

•Nine players scored in double figures.

•Six players logged double-doubles, including:

Syracuse's Jonny Flynn (34 points, 11 assists).

Syracuse's Paul Harris (29 points, 22 rebounds)

UConn's A.J. Price (33 points, 10 assists)

UConn's Hasheem Thabeet (19 points, 14 rebounds)

UConn's Stanley Robinson (28 points, 14 rebounds)

UConn's Jeff Adrien (12 points, 14 rebounds)

•The Huskies outrebounded the Orange, 76-67 (that's a game score on most nights)

•UConn logged 27 turnovers (Usually a months' worth for the Huskies).

•UConn blocked 16 shots, including six by Thabeet.

•Flynn knocked down an amazing 16-of-16 from the free throw line.

•Syracuse's Andy Rautins hit 6-of-12 on his threes.

•Flynn played 67 minutes of the game's 70 minutes.

•And, most disturbing of all, the media room ran out of food and beverages. (Heads should roll for that one). must be March.......for this is maddening!!!!!!!

Have you ever wanted to see someone get embarrassed in the middle of their hot dogging?
Well, here is your chance... The block of the year!!!

Lebron James' BLOCK on Jason Richardson's 360 dunk attempt.

Enough Said...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

On this Wednesday afternoon..........

In this .......southern, college town.....the temperature has reached 80 degrees.....and's March.

Only ten days ago......we were buried under a freak snow storm with 7 inches of the "pretty white stuff".

And .......we were without power..........satellite.........internet........and cell phone service.

But thanks to size D batteries.......transistor radios........blankets.......kerosene heaters.......we were able to make due.

Now it's time to get that garden ready......Will Mother Nature be kind.......this year?

The rotor-tiller is primed and ready........but I?.....We will see.

In the news........things we're following:

No.......not again.......
Another football league is going to try to challenge the NFL.....Have they not learned? The new one is the United Football League.....(UFL)..........

Green, Fassel, Haslett to coach in UFL (AP)

Former NFL coaches.......who could not cut it in the NFL........will now be coaches in this new league.

We give it six months........until it folds.

T. O. has a job.......

Boy that was quick.....No sooner than Terrell Owens was unceremoniously fired by the Dallas Cowboys.......the "I love me some me" man.....was hired the Buffalo Bills.....A 1 year contract..........for a reported 6 million dollars.

Talk about a fish out of water? Buffalo? T. O.? It's like a Cadillac parked in an Alabama trailer park. Or better yet.....Paris in a Walmart....It just .......doesn't fit.

The "Diamond Dawgs" rock........

Yes.....I'm talking about those baseball to their best start ever........12-0.....and ranked number one in at least 2 polls. You all know........I have not been a fan of the "ping league".......(colleges use those annoying sounding aluminum bats).....but......these guys can really play some baseball. It's still early...........but .......I'm on that bandwagon.....

Are you ready for..........March Madness???????

I am...........We are..........get your brackets ready.......the time is a coming..........

Things.....I think ........I think.......

Daylight savings time with it...(I'm trying to convince myself).... the last I.....have actually watched a a theater?

Someone..........real soon........will get up and slap.......Judge Judy........and we will all applaud.

The AJC (Atlanta Journal Constitution) is getting as thin as the ABH (Athens Banner-Herald)

Until Rush Limbaugh .....ever runs....or is ever elected to a governmental position.......he remains .... totally.......irrelevant ......

Things........I'm thinking........

Have a great.........
Hump Day.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Daylight Savings Time.....

To be quite blunt.......Daylight savings time sucks! Tomorrow....check at 2 am we will set our collective clocks forward 1 hour. Why? Our time pieces in our body will have to adjust needlessly for this ridiculous attempt to cheat mother nature.

How......exactly....... are we .......saving......daylight? And.....what are we saving daylight from? Is .....daylight ..... in danger? Does......daylight.....need to be rescued? Oh, my bad. We're not saving the daylight from an unknown enemy........We are saving daylight........for future use. So....should we freeze it ........or can it? Or put the daylight in a bank ....and earn interest.

Now, personally, I happen to like daylight. And for years now, I have done what most Americans have done for the last 30 years.......In March........I save an hour..........of daylight.

Only to give it back in October! And when I give it back........I have no return on my investment. I just........don't get it. Spring forward...........fall backward......why? And for.......whom?

Daylight.........could care less.......In a 24 hour day..........daylight shines for how ever many hours.......regardless if we humans manipulate a doggone clock.

Meanwhile.........the moon is watching all of this........and thinking........."Hey....what about "moonlight" savings time....... We want equal representation". We too..... want to be saved.

Imagine that..............then again.......just set that darn clock ahead that hour of daylight........and be a zombie for a few days before your body adjusts......

Daylight Savings Time............


Friday, March 6, 2009

The National Football league.......

Uses different terminology..........But make no mistake........the Dallas Cowboys cutting ties with all world wide receiver Terrell Owens.....was just a good old fashioned the real world of economics and business......

Your services.......are no longer needed. Please return your play-book........

The company has are terminated.....please relinquish all company keys....parking cards.....etc.........Security will escort you to your vehicle..........

Pack up all of your personal belongings.......clear out your h
ave been replaced......

We regret to inform you..........Your position......has been eliminated......please read the following e-mail for possible severance options you may be entitled to...........(I think Radio Shack used this one)........

You're...........fired!!!!!! the point........made famous by Donald Trump..........

As for Terrell Owens...........Officially........he was "released" from the Dallas Cowboys........Meaning he is free to sign with any other NFL team.......That is if any other NFL team wants to sign him..........he will b
e cheap......That 3 year 25 million dollar contract ends with the release.......although the Cowboys have already anted up 10 million in guaranteed bonus and first year pay-out.

No team will be obligated or binded by a current Owens.......and his agent......will have to settle for whatever is available ....

Why are we enjoying this so much?

Simple...........T.O. is so easy to hate........The famous quote, "I love me ....some me"....

T. O. complete dissing of Donovan McNabb.........."He's the one who threw up in the Super Bowl".......

Terrell Owens is a talent.......he is big........fearless........and a sport that requires all of the above.

But is how he .......Terrell.......has presented himself........throughout his career.......that makes this latest news making to watch.....

Hell..........he got fired..........and I was glad to see it.

In fairness.......we will give Mr. Owens.....the final word.......

From his his fans:

Official Statement

I want to thank Jerry Jones, Coach Phillips and the Dallas Cowboys for the opportunity to be a member of the team for the past three years.

A big thanks to the fans -- you've been awesome! I look forward to the upcoming season and continuing to play in the NFL.

I would like to extend my thoughts and prayers to the families of Marquis Cooper, Corey Smith and William Bleakley.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

If it's must be "hump day"........

Stories........we're following.....

Manny.....finally signs.....

Yes..........Manny has finally signed.......with the L A Dodgers.......from Yahoo Sports....
Dodgers, Ramirez agree on 2 years, $45M

Tragedy at sea........This is so sad........Families search for missing men

Kurt Warner.......and the Arizona Cardinals.....kiss and make up...Warner, Cards agree to 2-year, $23M deal hurting........Pistons G Iverson to miss 2 weeks

Things.......We're thinking...........

is oh so nice........

Driving in snow and no fun at all.....

The New York Knicks.....are fun to watch.......

How did we without cell phones....

When are we.....or I.......going to get a government bail out package???????????

In this southern college town..........things are slowly getting back to normal....after a devastating winter snow storm...........It's supposed to be in the 70's this week end.'s March............and anything can happen..........

Have a great "hump day"!

Monday, March 2, 2009

In this southern college town.......

This has been one heck of a week-end.....54 degrees Saturday night..........Torrential rain Sunday morning.......and then?

Snow, snow..........and more snow........the biggest flakes these eyes have ever seen. And mind you.....I lived in upstate New York.....

At 3pm Sunday............the lights flickered.......and the power ....went off.

There we a totally electric house..........with no internet...........and no heat.

But we had extra blankets..........batteries........transistor radios.....kerosene heaters...........and some land line phones.

And...........we made it.

And not only that............we survived........

March...............that ............nasty month............That southerners hate...........



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