Sunday, November 11, 2007

Black is beautiful......and black was beautiful Saturday afternoon at Sanford Stadium in Athens. The Georgia Bulldogs donned black jerseys for the first time in the schools' history. The normal home UGA uniforms feature the tradition red jersey and the famed silver britches. But......on this November day.....the dawgs shocked the bulldog nation by switching into all black tops. It was the biggest kept secret since ......well...we can't even remember. The players didn't even know. (We're told only the seniors knew, but were sworn to secrecy). The dawgs even did their pregame warm ups in the red Jerseys and sent their captains out in red. But somewhere .....back in the locker room -- where players were getting their last minute inspirations -- or whatever -- the lights went out. And when they came back on.....Poof............the black jerseys were all laid out. The crowd noise was at an all time feverish pitch as the black jerseyed dawgs exited from the tunnel. The place went absolutely nuts.... Georgia was keyed up...the fans were ....well fanatical....and Auburn? Well ....on their first possession....their first play...Quarterback Brandon Cox threw his first of 4 interceptions .....resulting in a 3-0 Georgia lead. That set the tone of the game, even though Auburn would fight back to take a 20-17 lead midway into the 3rd quarter. After that......Knowshon Moreno and company put up 28 unanswered points on their way to a 45-20 victory.
It really is not the color of a is the mind set of the players within it.....To the Georgia players...on this particular everything. And they played like it was their last game on earth....they had fun....they made plays....and they won the game. We credit Georgia head coach Mark Richt on becoming very original in motivation tactics for his team. The SEC is a war. The Bulldogs got slammed at Tennessee which Richt said..." I've got to get these guys energy level up". He found a way at Florida......and he found a way Saturday against Auburn. It is so tough to keep the minds of 19 to 21 year olds totally focused on the task at hand. Coach Richt........we salute must remember this............
"Once you go never want to go back".


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