Friday, March 14, 2008

Unless you've been ......

Under a rock for the last have heard or seen the news of the Governor of New York.........Mr. Elliot Spitzer........having to resign because of Mr. Spitzer being named in a federal investigation of a prostitution ring.

Except........this was not your ordinary hooker/pimp styled prostitution ring.

This was not the high-heeled, hot pant wearing, boots up to the hips, fishnet legged hooker working the streets of Auburn Avenue in the ATL.

No......this was big time.......elite

Mr. Spitzer (allegedly) paid over $4000 for an hour an a half to get laid by an aspiring singer from New Jersey.

We now know her real name.........Ashely Alexander Dupre......code name Kristen.......

Why? Why would he do this?

Well .........take a good look at him............then her.........He would have to pay for something like that.

He sure couldn't get it on looks and personality........ just another below average looking white man........but with a lot of payer's money.

Which brings us to this........

Michael Vick is in jail.......for being unkind to a bunch of humans were harmed.

Marion Jones is in jail.........for taking illegal substances......and lying about other humans harmed.

Barry Bonds is on the Federal hit list........they want to put him in jail too........because he may have lied also.........but still........who did he hurt?

But Mr. Spitzer swore an oath to uphold the constitution and well being of all citizens in his state.

Yet ....couldn't control his own sexual desires........

If the feds would put as much effort as they did in getting Vick, Jones, and Bonds behind bars.......they would see fit this Mr. Spitzer never ........ever.......sees the outer portion of a maximum security federal prison.

But we all know............this will never happen.

While Vick, Jones, and Bonds may have had millions............they lacked that certain flesh tone .....the flesh tone American Indians called "pale face".'s never about it?


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