Friday, April 25, 2008
Our Apologies..........No Hump Day posts this past Wednesday. Some times, the " real world "..........as in work, etc takes over our lives. Been a rough and tough week. But we have survived it.........Now , it's time to blog.
So........Hillary won Pennsylvania....Are you as tired as I am of this election's primaries? Guys.......gals.......it is almost May. The real election is in November. That's only 6 months away. It is time to settle on one candidate........and be done with it. The only thing this back and forth bickering is accomplishing is .......bringing the republican party together ....to defeat either Hillary or Obama......on November 4th.
The first round of the NBA playoffs are in full swing. No major surprises. The Celtics and Lakers..........the Spurs and the Hornets.....look like final four material. Houston went into Utah ....and won last night. The Denver Nuggets still can't play defense....The Atlanta Hawks are over matched. The Washington Wizards destroyed the Cleveland Cav's ....to make this a respectable series. In the playoffs........NBA should stand for "No Blowouts Allowed".......but there have been .....way too many.
Pac Man Jones...........is a Dallas Cowboy. Wow........Risky move for the Cowboys. Metropolitan Dallas has more "Strip Clubs" per capita ......than any city this side of Vegas. And ...... Mr. Jones.......has .......a jones..........for strip clubs. It will be interesting to watch this unfold. I'm sure the NFL will be watching Mr. Jones.
The University of Georgia "gym dogs" (the gymnastics team) are again competing in the "Super Six"........trying to win an unprecedented 4th straight national championship. Georgia coach Suzanne Yoculan has already won 8. Impressive..........Go dawgs........
$3.59..............as in $3.59 a gallon......for gasoline. Every time you see one of those gas guzzling super sized SUV's ..........give 'em the finger...........they are contributing to this mess. Diesel is over $4 a gallon....But .......what are we to do? You've got to get to work.......
Finally...........Those $600 rebate checks........are on the way.....Because of a new computer system.......your government is ready to start sending cash to the masses.....earlier than scheduled. Those of us with direct deposit.........will be first in line.
Finally........finally.......from the master gardener himself..........the corn, collards, green beans, tomatoes, and peppers.....have all sprouted and broken ground........still awaiting the okra, squash, and peas. Need a little rain.
Labels: Hump Day, NBA, NFL, Politics, University of Georgia