Monday, October 20, 2008

How Not to Eat Grits

Sometimes.....stories just get dumped on our laps.......

Such is the case of University of Georgia gymnastics coach, Suzanne Yoculan . Seems Yoculan made micro-wave grits ( a sin in itself to southerners).

And when she ate them.......or tried to .......the grits burned her esophagus to the point of her being hospitalized for 3 days.

She must have been mighty hungry. Has she never heard
"blow" on your grits.....before putting that fork full into your mouth? put a lot of cold butter on your hot neutralize the situation. Obviously, Ms. Yoculan is no true southerner.......and a miss-informed outsider.....who has not mastered the art of eating that "Georgia Ice Cream".....we all know grits.

From the "Athens Banner-Herald":

Yoculan released from hospital

By Jennifer Iannone | Athens Banner-Herald | Story updated at 11:09 pm on 10/16/2008

Georgia gymnastics coach Suzanne Yoculan was released from the hospital Thursday after being treated for burns to her esophagus.

Yoculan was admitted to Athens Regional Hospital for three days after ingesting a spoonful of grits just out of the microwave. The grits burned eight inches of her esophagus.

"I couldn't breathe or swallow or drink," Yoculan said. "It was really painful. I was on morphine for three days."

Originally published in the Athens Banner-Herald on Friday, October 17, 2008


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