Thursday, January 1, 2009

Here's to you.....2009

You are just a few hours old. You will have 365 days......52 weeks.......and 12 months to leave your legacy.

In Exactly one year from too .... will be .....just a memory.

So, 2009.......What will you bring?

2009.......what will be your lasting memory?

Who will die? Who will win? What country will we invade? Which Hurricane will make history? Will it be a recession or a depression? Who's the next "American Idol"? Who cares? are so young. Just a baby........... a newborn...........

2009.....are you sure you're up to this? The naysayers buried your predecessor, 2008. They said, Thank God, it's over. Will you have the same comments over your obituary?

2009.....You at least give us hope.....for this is a brand new year. A fresh start........even in the middle of winter........

2009........My heart is with you.......I won't ask questions..........I won't ask why..........I'll simply live each day............and when it's all done?

There will be a 2010.......



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