Monday, December 21, 2009

According to the  scientific calendar......

Winter officially got here at 12:01.....this morning.....this 21st day of December.

However........there's people .......from Virginia to Massachusetts........that would swear....winter came a few days earlier.   As in that blizzard which hit Friday and Saturday.

If not for the 4,000 automobile accidents in Virginia alone......the thousands of stranded airline passengers all along the northeast corridor......

The snow ........was breathtakingly New York City's,  Central Park.  (pictured)

Things........we learned:

The University of Georgia  mens' basketball team may not be as bad as advertised.  The upset Illinois ,  70-67.

The "Lady Dogs"......of that same school........may be even better than advertised.  They are  11--0.

The Atlanta Falcons......have ....."heart".   They go into a cold and windy .....Meadow lands,  NJ.........and beat the NY Jets.

The New Orleans Saints......came crashing back down to earth.   Told you!

Why don't..........the Minnesota Vikings......look anything like the world beaters they were....just a month ago?

Are the Cincinnati Bengals........cursed?   First the tragedy of Chris Henry earlier in the week.....then yesterday......the lose a heart-breaker to San Diego .....27-24......on the last play of the game.

The best game .......I saw?    Definitely ........the Pittsburgh - Green Bay  shoot out.   The Steelers had 503 yards.......passing.    Wow!

The college  bowl in full swing.......wake me on Jan 1st.......when the real games start.

So.........I do.........indeed......feel smarter..........You?


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