Saturday, January 16, 2010

These Games......will go On

We applaud......the L A Lakers.....for not giving in to public sentiment and pressure.  With the Gilbert Arenas stuff......some teams have banned ....all games.....on all flights.....and in all locker rooms.

From those

Lakers Refuse to Fold on Card Game Policy

The Los Angeles Lakers refuse to let one gun-toting moron ruin their in-flight gambling time -- the team has made it clear they will not ban card games in the wake of the Gilbert Arenas incident.

After the New Jersey Nets decided to put the kibosh on all in-flight games of chance -- including cards, dominoes and dice games -- a rep for the Los Angeles Lakers told us they will not be following suit.

The Lakers rep claims, "We feel that players have had card games on flights for decades and that if you have people who are responsible and handle themselves appropriately (which we feel our players do) then the card games can be a fun and healthy release for them."

Also, the Lakers have won 15 championships since 1946 -- and have had zero armed confrontations in their locker room ... so, if it ain't broke ...


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