Thursday, April 29, 2010

Can a Brother ....Get a Break?

If your name is  Gilbert Arenas.......apparently ...not.    It just gets deeper and deeper for this NBA'er. is on the case!

Gilbert Arenas -- More Trouble Over Guns

Gilbert Arenas -- the Washington Wizards basketball player who pled guilty to felony gun charges in January -- has more gun problems ... TMZ has learned.

We've obtained a lawsuit filed against Arenas by Tactical Operations -- a company that sells high-end guns. 

According to the lawsuit, filed today in L.A. County Superior Court, Arenas bought five custom Beretta pistols with five silencers in February of 2006.  Arenas paid for the guns, BUT....

Tactical Operations claims Arenas never took possession of the weapons -- and owes the company over $70,000 in storage fees and interest.


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