Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hump Day.....News & Views

It's still rather hot.....for October.

In this small, southern, college town.......the temperatures are still in the 80's.  Quite unusual.....even in the deep south.

Leaves are still turning a burnt orange...and gradually falling.

So it ......"autumn"?    Not sure.

What we are sure of's Wednesday......."Hump Day".

"Stuff"......we're following.......and you should be too:

Let's give our "thumbs up" to those miners in Chili ......2 months in a hole ....a mile down....Here's to you guys:

Chile Mine

PHOTOS: Thumbs Up.. Miners Emerge To Joyful Nation.. Mistresses, Wives Clash.. LIVE Updates, Video


We welcome......a "Brave New".....manager:

Fredi Gonzalez
Atlanta Braves Announce New Manager
Sir Charles........"Brett,  I got your back":
Brett Favre Charles Barkley

Charles Barkley Defends Brett Favre, Rips Media On Sexting Controversy


Thumbs the Texas Rangers....Now go beat those ....."Damn Yankees":

Texas Rangers

VICTORY: Rangers Win First Playoff Series In Franchise History


You're in our prayers......Tony Gwynn:

Tony Gwynn Cancer

Report: MLB Legend Suffering Cancer


They are....indeed serious.....about their dogs.......down here:

Uga VIII Debuts Before Vandy Game

Uga VIII Debuts Before Vandy Game

ATHENS - Uga VIII will be introduced to the Bulldog Nation this Saturday during pre-game ceremonies of the Georgia-Vanderbilt game in Sanford Stadium. The 55 pound English Bulldog is the grandson of Uga VI.

And finally .......the photo of the day....Give it up for best photos ......on the 'net:

"Hump Day" .......things ...I ......think I think:

I think this whole "global warming"  mess......maybe true.

I think.....the defending champs......the New Orleans Saints....won't make the play-offs.

I think it's a shame........UGA   football players.....don't mind......or ...are too continue ... to drive....."dirty"!

I don't think .....Alabama.....after 1 loss.......on the road...should have dropped to 8th the polls.

I think.......Georgia ......will lose to Vanderbilt ........Saturday....

I think.......I work ......too hard.

I think.......I need a vacation......

I ......know.....I'm tired.

Have a great......"Hump Day"!


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