Friday, April 8, 2011

Every family has one.....

That one family member constantly embarrassing the rest of the family with stupid actions.

But ......a mother?

She should know better!


LeBron on Mom's Arrest -- It's A 'Sensitive Subject'

LeBron James broke his silence after the Miami Heat's practice today -- calling his mother's arrest early this morning "a sensitive subject" ... and insisting it's "being taken care of."


LeBron told reporters, “You have to move forward ... It is my life and there’s certain things you have to deal with. You try not to let it be a distraction. I have a job to do, still.”

He continued, “It’s very sensitive because it’s your mother. Of course to have an incident, it’s very sensitive. But the people around me are helping me."

As we previously reported, LeBron's mom was arrested this morning for allegedly assaulting a parking valet outside a Miami hotel. She was processed and released.


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