Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hump Day.....News & Views

It's Wednesday.....again.

Let's ........"hump"!

Stuff we're following for you:

These "Cocks"........have game:

South Carolina Florida

South Carolina Wins 2nd Straight National Championship 


A new look......and a new deal?   Wow!!!

Tiger Woods Japanese Heat Rub Ad
Tiger Woods Gets New Endorsement Deal
Young, black.......and dead:
Isayah Muller Facebook

Star Athlete Killed Hours After High School Graduation


Yeah.....but can he hit?   Or throw strikes?

Cirque Du Soleil Padres First Pitch

The Most Acrobatic First Pitch Ever're the world champs.....celebrate all you want:

Dirk Nowitzki Germany Celebration

PHOTOS: Dirk Nowitzki Can't Stop Celebrating


Keep on humpin'.......


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