Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hump Day Thoughts

It's only a rumor......but......

Rumor has it ...... Bill Parcells will take over football operations of the Atlanta Falcons. The AJC, CNN-SI, ESPN and Fox Sports are all reporting the deal is close to being finalized. Parcells won 2 Super Bowls as head coach of the New York Giants, took the New England Patriots to a Super Bowl and rebuilt programs with the New York Jets and the Dallas Cowboys. If ......and when this is a done deal.....we will express our thoughts.

Atlanta Hawks are 12-12........

The surprising Hawks are at .500 and trail the division leading Orlando Magic by only 4 games. I am so ready to get on that bandwagon, but past let downs have me waiting. Tonight the Hawks entertain the old and beat up Miami Heat --- in a game -- on paper, they should win. But these are the Hawks. We shall see.

Charles Oakley gets lost in suburbia Atlanta......

Former NBA star, Charles Oakley was arrested early Tuesday morning on a DUI charge in Barrow County Georgia, roughly 35 miles east of Atlanta. Oakley's 2008 Land Rover was stopped in the town of Auburn for failing to maintain a lane. According to the arresting officer, Oakley failed a field sobriety test and was taken into custody, where after posting an $890 bond, he was released. Oakley told the officer he was lost.........thought he was nearer to Atlanta.

Parcells turns Blank down..........

ESPN is now reporting Bill Parcells has turned down an offer to head the football operations of the Falcons......I guess after sleeping on it......Bill remembered he's a New York and New Jersey guy who'd be a fish out of water in the deep south. Well now .........that was fast....... Arthur Blank must now revise his search and now soothe the ego of one Rich McKay who as club General Manager would have been a lame duck with no authority if Parcells had taken the job. For all his success in the business world, Mr. Blank has demonstrated a lack of clearly thinking things out when it comes to running the Falcons. Did it not occur to him.....Parcells might not take the job? Now after being slighted..........what will McKay's mindset be? And we were under the impression McKay was the one who would hire the next coach........This is the Falcons....


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