Sunday, December 23, 2007

This Ain't no Legend........

A quick 5 on Five review of the blockbuster hit movie, I am Legend, starring Will Smith and a German Shepherd named Sam.

While Mr. Smith put on a stunning acting performance, the cinematography was less than advertised. Three-fourths of the movie was shot in the dark and one could barely make out the scenario.

The computer generated special effects depicting the mutes and wild animals simply were not realistic and gave the film an almost cartoonish flavor to it. The plot involves flashbacks that never really explain anything until near the end.

I thought the movie did not live up to all the hype. In a word......far from it ....It was borderline boring for the huge production costs. I don't recommend "I am Legend". My advice is to wait until the DVD comes out......and draw your own conclusion.

Thumbs down..........


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