Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I've had just about enough of one.......Don Imus.

Yes.........that dirty old white man has done it again......In trying to be funny.....the only way he knows, Don Imus , put his big foot in his mouth .......again.

You remember Mr. Imus.....He , of the "nappy headed hoes" quote about the Rutgers women's basketball team.

That got the I-man fired from both WFAN radio and MSNBC TV.

But is usually the case.......someone else is always willing to take a chance. The someone this time was WABC radio in New York.

And the I-man is still Imus.......crude........unfunny......and still just doesn't get it.

I know Mr. Imus owns a ranch.....somewhere.....

Suggestion: Retire there.......leave the air waves to people who are not only relevant .....but funny and entertaining too.

You , Mr. Imus , are a washed up disc jockey whose time has come and gone....... the case you missed it, here's what happened........Thanks to Red Lasso and ESPN for this cut..........


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