Sunday, June 1, 2008

Meet Kimbo Slice

Introducing..........Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter, Kimbo Slice.

Real name, Kevin Ferguson..........Hails from Miami. Former street fighter....Former bodyguard.......One tough hombre.

33 years old. Stands 6' 2" , weighs 240 pounds. Until last night, most of his fights were on You Tube.

With the sad state of professional boxing, MMA is filling a void by catering to young America. It even had the audacity to nationally televise a bout on free TV. And CBS......none the less.

Boxing has priced itself out of the market with its' Pay-per-view and cable deals. Last night's telecast was truly refreshing.

Take a look at Mr. Slice.........busting an ear.........courtesy of CBS and Red Lasso:


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