Wednesday, August 27, 2008

AM remember.....from 530 1700 KHz.....on the AM dial. My young colleagues (including my daughter) do not realize there is an AM part of their car radios. All of their pre-sets are on FM stations.......

But in this southern college town, one AM station holds
true. WRFC...........960 the Ref........

There have been growing all started with the "One on one" network....then "Sporting News Network" self appointed world wide leader in sports, ESPN.

There was a time .......on Friday nights........WFRC would broadcast high school football games...

Times change.......ownership changes.......high school football ........doesn't move the meter....

So .....what does? That passion....that home town bias.......that sincerity........Whether it's Dave Johnston, Chris Brame , Jeff Danzler, or Stephen Hartzell..............They bring it.

We at 5 on Five....can only hope...... this even new ownership of Southern Broadcasting (Now owned by Cox Broadcasting).......will let this AM station continue to be an outlet for sports fans...........

WRFC? guys have come a long way.......I can remember when your studios were in that little building on South Millege Ave.

But are alive and well..........and that is good.

Long live ........sports talk radio.......and long live 960, the Ref.......


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