Thursday, August 14, 2008
Women's Beach Volleyball.....that is...
It began here......in the deep south. The 1996 Atlanta Olympics introduced the rest of the world to volleyball.......played in the sand......with 2 person teams.
Put the women teams in bikinis......all of a sudden ......the sport just takes off. Go figure!
Of course, beach volleyball originated back in the 1920's............in Santa Monica, California.
It's popularity was always high out west, and with the television ratings garnered in Atlanta, it has been one of the most watched Olympic events in the 2000 Athens and 2004 Sydney Games.
I like the competitiveness of the game.....the scenery is not bad either.....
Here's what others are saying:
Beach Volleyball's Moment
The competition at Beijing's 12,000-seat Chaoyang Park Beach Volleyball Ground is one of the hottest Olympic tickets. The sport, with its beach-party atmosphere featuring impeccably cut and tanned athletes competing in skimpy bathing suits, is seen as having huge entertainment potential, which is why NBC is featuring it live in prime time throughout the Summer Games.
Read more from Wall Street Journal
See........I'm not the only one.