Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The most impressive thing I saw this past week-end?

Atlanta 45, San Francisco 10....

Atlanta Falcons blast 49ers, win 45-10 in dominating fashion

And it was not even that close. The 49ners play with the intensity and swagger of their head coach, Mike Singletary. They try to intimidate you ...hit you in the mouth. On Sunday.....their opponent...hit back....harder.

I have never seen a Falcon team....quite like this. Yes, San Fran, came out swinging...and indeed ...went upside the Falcons heads.

But Atlanta was like, "Is that all you've got?"....and promptly put up 35 1st half points (a franchise record).

It's only been 4 games.....and Atlanta has never had back to back winning seasons in there NFL history....but.......

Here we October.....3 wins, 1 loss....

These birds are flying high.....

I'm on their


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