Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Welcome Back.........NBA!

It's.........opening night.....

Game on

LeBron James and Kevin Garnett each consider their teams capable of winning the championship.

For the game in which we.........created. America's own sport.....invented in a gym.....with a peach basket and a round ball.

It has indeed evolved........The best athletes on the planet this game....

It's international........and growing stronger by each year. The NBA is thriving .......and there have been changes........the 24 second clock.......the 3 point shot........a dress code for players entering an arena.......even a new ball (introduced last year, only to be thrown out).....

But that's our NBA.......and oh how we love it.

Five Questions......we hope will be answered after 82 regular season games.....and a the marathon post season:

1. Will the LA Lakers........repeat?

2. Can Shaq lead King James and the Cavs' the promise land?

3. Will Boston's "big 3" let Rasheed Wallace with their ball?

4. Will the Orlando Magic.....prove that last year .....was no fluke?

5. Will my beloved Atlanta Hawks........get to the next level?

Come wait.....I forgot.......the NBA play-offs last

Come July........all of our questions......should be answered......

Until then.........enjoy opening night......and the rest of this NBA season!


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