Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Trails.........Uga VII

It was around 5:45 pm yesterday afternoon while I was watching one those judge shows.....when......low and behold......Fox 5 news in Atlanta.....broke in....with...."Breaking News".

I immediately sat up in my chair......and mused, "Plane crash? Terrorist attack? Murder suicide? Child kidnapping? Bank robbery? Car chase? Train wreck? An assassination?

No.........just a dead

The University of Georgia's English age 4..... had died suddenly....of a heart attack.

And seems .....the entire Bulldog in mourning. Some dire hard fans even took today off. Others cried at their desks....the local sports talkies ( at least here in Athens) were on the verge of they remembered .......Uga.

Those who know me.......know that I love animals.......especially dogs.

But I do put everything in perspective......

This was a mascot.......a overweight dog. Who just ......laid around.....his whole short life.

My hope is........some day.......(and I can only hope) .....these same people......wi
th all this love and passion......for a dog.....will see fit to share that love and passion......

With fellow human beings....

Ya think?

From the AJC:
Uga VII to be buried Saturday morning at Sanford Stadium


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