Thursday, November 12, 2009


Quote of the day........

"There's no starvation in Uganda. If you get hungry, you can go into the forest and pick a banana."
- Idi Amin Dada, after seizing power in Uganda, 1971.

Remember Idi? Another one of his quotes (in jest)......was from a Richard Pryor skit, "I like white man....just had one for dinner."

What idiot.....would mess with Iron Mike?

From TMZ,com:

Tyson Photog Speaks: Blood Everywhere

The photographer who ended up on the wrong end of Mike Tyson's fist says Mike got in 4 good punches and blood was gushing "like a water fountain."

Tony Echevarria: Click to watchTony Echevarria: Click to watch
Pap Tony Echevarria claims:

- He wasn't disrespectful or aggressive
- Mike was initially in a good mood but turned sour when the pap asked about his wife
- Tyson became more agitated when he couldn't find a bathroom and saw the photog shooting him

As we previously reported, Tyson and the photographer were both busted for battery.


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