Monday, March 1, 2010 keep her....

This learning the hard way.  Once you have takes a great deal of keep......said money.

From our friends at people are everywhere):

L.A. Dodgers Wife - It's Expensive to Be Me

Now we know why the L.A. Dodgers divorce case between Frank and Jamie McCourt is so high-stakes ... it costs a bundle to be them.

Jamie McCourt

Jamie submitted an expense declaration with the court in her quest for $988,845. Here are some of her MONTHLY expenses:

- Expenses for Holmby Hills home - $202,715
- Expenses for L.A. home - $9,007
- Expenses for Malibu home - $151,054
- Expenses for other Malibu home - $88,106
- Expenses for Cape Cod house - $93,279
- Expenses for Willowbend house (we don't even know where that is) - $5,048
- Expenses for Vail house - $7,784
- Expenses for Cabo house - $2,530

In all, the homes cost her $568,829 a month. Her total nut is almost twice that. But in her declaration, Jamie says she was only pulling in $166,667 a month from the Dodgers. Someone missed their home ec classes!


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