Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The NFL Over-time Rule Change

The new overtime we understand them:

How the NFL's new rules for postseason overtime games will play out:

  • If Team A receives the opening kickoff and scores a touchdown on that possession, the game ends.
  • If Team A punts or turns the ball over on the opening possession and Team B scores a touchdown or field goal on the next possession, the game ends.
  • If Team A receives the opening kickoff, drives down the field and converts a field goal, Team B gets an ensuing possession. A touchdown by Team B would win the game; a field goal would extend the game; failing to score would end the game.
  • If the score is tied after both teams have had a possession, traditional sudden-death rules resume.
  • If Team B kicks off to Team A and legally recovers the ball during the kickoff, Team A has lost its possession and a scoring drive for Team B ends the game. 
Got it?



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