Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Plea......From Miami Fans

In the words of  Miami's favorite sons.....K. C. & the Sunshine Band....."Please don't go"....

Dwyane Wade got a break from his nasty divorce today, and for a change got some major love -- from desperate Miami Heat fans.

The Miami Heat launched today -- an all out campaign to convince soon-to-be free agent Dwyane to stay with the team.  The site gives fans absurd tips on sucking up to the Heat superstar ("buy him dessert").

Dwyane tells TMZ, "I love it! Especially as I am dealing with several issues in my life, it's great to know that people care about me."

Yes Dwyane -- they like you, they really like you.

Bonus tip for Heat fans: "Vanilla cake with lemon frosting."


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