Monday, May 17, 2010

In this small,  southern,  college town....... here.   Afternoon thundershowers.....temperatures in the low 90's......humidity up near 100%.......and the flies.....oh the flies.

And it is still only the middle of May.   Summer does not officially arrive until June 21.   Go figure.

Monday asks that question.   Are we smarter today?  Did we learn .....anything?   From the Weekend?'s what we at 5 on Five learned......with the help of a few of our friends:

The Atlanta Braves.......are not as we thought they were:

Atlanta Braves (18-19)

Last game: May 16, Atlanta Braves 13 - Arizona Diamondbacks 1 
Next game: vs. New York Mets, May 17 7:10pm ET
 The Bravos took 2 of 3 from Arizona and have now won 10 out of their last 15 games. 

The Boston Celtics........maybe old......they maybe tired.....but ......they could....beat the Magic:

Boston Celtics (50-32)

Last game: May 16, Boston Celtics 92 - Orlando Magic 88 
Next game: @ Orlando Magic, May 18 8:30pm ET
Things......I think ...I think:
The NBA Play-offs......lasts way....too long.
6eVoice.....and GaPeach913  (bro & sis).......just got back from a 7 day  cruise...with their significant others.......I am a bit .....jealous.
My daughter,  Madison....has 2 more days of teaching school.....before her summer vacation....again....I am a bit ......jealous.
I just don't ......have the energy ...or mow my own lawn anymore.
Why do 18 wheelers.......continue to get in the fast lane...attempting to pass....and can only get up to 65 mph?'s a Monday......Are you smarter?



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