Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Death Sentence......Almost

Could not have happened to .....better program.

Southern Cal....NCAA post lost...

Not since the "Death Penalty" levied upon SMU the '70's.......has a school been punished to the extent USC has......



From our friends

USC Football 'Vacates' Nat'l Championship Win

The NCAA just blew up USC football's world by forcing the Trojans to vacate their victory in the '05 Orange Bowl ... a win that earned them the National Championship. 

USC Football  trojans  reggie bush

This all comes after an NCAA investigation concluded Reggie Bush got improper benefits while at USC.

According to the NCAA findings Bush received a car, and his family received a house and other financial benefits.

In addition to the National Championship game, USC must also vacate its 12 victories from the '05 season -- Reggie's last before turning pro -- and the university is banned from bowl games for the next 2 seasons, and on probation for 4 years.

Fight on.

NOTE: The NCAA specifically uses the word "vacate" instead of forfeit because the Trojan's opponents in those games don't get the win.


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