Thursday, June 17, 2010

Post Hump Day.....News & Views

It is a this small,  southern,  college town. is!   Summer, officially does not get here until the 21st of the month.......but......

Temperatures ....have been in the upper 90's ......for the past week.   100% humidity....afternoon thunder storms.....summer-time. hotter.

Thank the good lord for AC.....

Some "stuff"......we're following.....Courtesy of

Tiger Woods - Not the Daddy!

TMZ has learned ... a DNA test disproves the claim of Devon James -- that Tiger Woods fathered her 9-year-old son.

tiger woods

A source handling the situation tells TMZ the DNA test was performed in 2002, as part of "an ongoing child support battle."

We're told although the DNA test excludes Tiger, it establishes to a reasonable certainty who fathered the boy -- a guy from Florida.

The boy's pics were posted on Coincidentally, he does look an awful lot like Tiger.

LT's Alleged Pimp -- Yeah, I Shot At People

Lawrence Taylor's alleged pimp, Rasheed Davis, has a history of 'fessing up to violent crime -- like the 1991 shooting he detailed in a handwritten statement to police ... a move that earned him hard time in prison.

LT's Alleged Pimp

Long before his alleged dealings with LT and an underaged girl, Davis sprayed bullets into a Bronx street fight -- and TMZ.obtained a copy of the letter Davis wrote the day after the shooting.

In the letter -- which reads like a scene from "Boyz n the Hood" -- Davis admitted getting a .22 caliber rifle from his apartment and firing it when someone else shot at him.  He wrote "I shot the rifle into the ... crowd. I aimed at somone (sic) with a hand gun. I fired about 12 times."

One man was killed, and Davis served 14-years for first degree manslaughter.

Davis is currently facing a federal charge of sex trafficking in the LT case, and is due back in court next week.

Aretha Franklin -- 2 Days, 2 Weaves, 1 Dress

After wearing this sparkling copper gown with a dyed-to-match polyester wig to the Tony Awards on Sunday (left), Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin wore it again on Monday -- but this time with a frizzy 'do -- to perform at the Apollo Theater with her pocketbook (right).


The 68-year-old diva can do whatever she wants.



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