Saturday, August 21, 2010

ESPN.......owned by Disney.....does not "Mickey Mouse" around  when it comes to protecting it's image.

This could spell the end for "Around the Horn" regular,  Jay Mariotti.


Jay Mariotti, Famous Sports Columnist, Arrested in LA

ESPN personality and popular sports columnist Jay Mariotti was arrested this morning in Los Angeles, this according to the L.A. County Sheriff's Department website.

Mariotti was arrested on a felony charge at 4:30 AM -- a police source tells us it is a domestic violence charge.

He was held on $50,000 bail and released shortly after noon.

Mariotti is a regular on the ESPN show "Around the Horn" and a writer for the popular sports website

UPDATE: A rep for ESPN said the network had no comment. 

Here's a few comments from fans across the country:

If you want to be taken seriously in sports writing...never call him a "popular" sports columnist. He is far from it.
domestic violence charge, meaning: his wife was pissed because he didn't take out the trash, so she called the police.
This news is a downer for sure. Mariotti and Paige are my two favorite sports columnists on Around the Horn. If the charge sticks and he's off the show it will be a bummer for sure. Hopefully he didn't do what he's charged with.
Mariotti is one of those "holier than thou" clowns who preach against athletes who get into steroids.....wife abuse...drunk driving....
He is ESPN's biggest Tiger Woods critic...
I knew that it was just a matter of time for all of that vitriol to come back and bite him in the ass.
As always...the ones who protest the loudest....are the ones whose closets full of skeletons....
It couldn't have happened to a more deserving punk.


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