Sunday, August 1, 2010

Flipping Out.....And Over

Mr. one lucky human being:

Dennis Rodman Involved in Massive Car Wreck

TMZ has learned Dennis Rodman was involved in a terrible car accident this weekend -- in which his car flipped three times -- but walked away with just a scratch on his finger.

Dennis Rodman Car Accident
Sources close to Dennis tell TMZ the former NBA star was the passenger in a green Range Rover traveling on I-95 in Fort Lauderdale, FL ... when one of the tires blew out. We're told the car flipped three times and Dennis had to be pulled from the car by a few good Samaritans who had stopped to help.

We're told the people who helped pull Dennis out of the wreckage later asked for autographs ... but Rodman politely declined.

Rodman's friend was transported to a local hospital and treated for head injuries.


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