Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Enough already......

So......the "White Christmas" was a novelty.....beautiful.....and fun.

But this latest blast .......8 to 10 trying our patience .

On I-285 in the ATL........18 wheelers.......about 300 strong....were stuck for over 24 hours....waiting for the Georgia DOT to clear the ice and snow.

And ..."Yours Truly" ....has been stuck at home........since Sunday.   I'm going "stir crazy"!

I have seen one.......1.........snow plow truck.    I don't own a snow shovel....

The good news is we didn't lose satellite or power.   And we have food.

But.........if I wanted this much snow......I would have stayed in upstate New York!

And now the Hawks game has just been canceled.  

Jason Getz,

Hawks-Bucks postponed

Contest as Philips Arena won't be played after all, re-scheduled for March 15 in Atlanta.



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