Saturday, January 29, 2011

In  this small,   southern,  college town.....

It was 70 degrees January!

Oh how we love the south!

Now......My immediate thoughts:

Why is it.......when you pick up a new car.....all fluids are topped off....oil, transmission fluids, brake fluids,  antifreeze, windshield wash..........but not the most important.......gasoline???...and the first stop you have to make is at a gas station?    Just a thought.

Why is it.........hourly employees.....always seem to get the most inopportune times...while management works........24-7?

It's almost February......Have you done your tax returns?

Speaking of gas prices........Has it reached $3.00 a gallon yet?

I think.....All of the January least down here......has finally ....melted.

I really don't miss........the winters I spent in upstate New York.

If you don't have Skype have "skype"

Have you noticed....How people are so nice hospitals?   Strangers?  Nurses?  Interns?  Community workers?  

I think......I love my family.......even you.........6eVoice.........for you are the wind beneath our collective wings.    Though you can be a pain in the ass.....

These are my thoughts........

This.......Saturday Night.



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