Monday, August 1, 2011

Interesting week-end.

I don't know if we learned a whole lot....but...

Here's some of what did happen:

Happy Trails.......Randy Moss:

Randy Moss Retired
DONE: Randy Moss To Retire
No Evidence.....No crime:
Samaki Walker Arrested
Ex-NBA Player Tries To Eat 
A word from....."The Greatest":
Muhammad Ali Norway Letter

Muhammad Ali Writes Letter To People Of Norway


The Miami Heat.....Part II?   Eagles.....please don't go there:

Vince Young

New Eagles Player Calls Squad A 'Dream Team'


Say it ain't so!   Not the lily-white...."Dukies".....

Mike Krzyzewski Recruiting Violation

Coach K May Have Committed NCAA Violation


Serena is in the we have to report it:

Serena Williams

Serena Wins 1st Title In Comeback


Plax.....excuse the pun....gets a "shot"  with a new team:

Plaxico Burress Jets

Plaxico Finds New NFL Team


Wow!   August.......already!


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