Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hump Day.....News & Views

In this small southern college town......

It is indeed summer-time.   For it is!

Let's cool off a bit.....with our "Hump Day" News & Views:

It the..."Tiger"....back in his tank?

Tiger Woods Health

Feeling Good: Tiger Says He's Ready To Go


Another Ryan........talking smack:

Rob Ryan

Cowboys Coordinator Trash Talks Eagles


Sir Charles?   The role model?

Charles Barkley Tiger Woods

Barkley Gives Advice To Tiger Woods


Again.......The NBA as we know it.....Is history:

Nba Lawsuit Players

NBA Takes Legal Action Against Players 


Hind always.....20-20:

Magic Johnson Regret
Magic Johnson Reveals Major Regret
It was 105 degrees today........
Hope this helped ...
Humpin' to please.


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