Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The good folks in Lubbock, Texas are not too pleased with an aspiring artist who happens to attend Texas Tech. Seems Scott Klingle of the Theta Chi Fraternity had a great idea for a fundraiser......He drew up t-shirts that , on one side , said, "Vick 'em" , and on the other side had a football player wearing the #7, dangling a dog on a leash. A clear reference to an up coming opponent.... as in Texas A&M. Forgive me if I don't share the same sentiment as 90% of America.......ENOUGH.........Already! It's a damned! A dog......I've had dogs for pets.....great......but at the end of the day ....a dog is a dog. He will eat his own vomit.....his own bowel movements....He is what he is .....a dog. No more less. Texas Tech went so far as to suspend the Fraternity. Such are the times we live in.......Here's a view of that "doggone" t-shirt:


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