Monday, October 1, 2007

Can't believe the Mets are going to re-sign Tom Glavin. Here is his box score from yesterdays' historic melt down. 0.1 innings ....7 earned runs.........5 hits... 2 walks and 1 hit batsman. The New York media is killing this guy. New Yorkers have never really embraced Tommy, many thinking that deep down......he's still a Brave. Glavin, at 41 is at a cross roads in his career. His family still resides in the ATL. At his age, he is still a gifted lefty. But I don't think......he thinks he needs all the drama NY dishes out. He will either take a home team discount with the Braves, or likely retire all together with his 300+ wins and future hall of fame credentials. At any rate , Tom thanks for being a class act through it all.


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