Saturday, October 13, 2007

Will the real Heisman Trophy Candidate please stand up? Here we are ......almost at the half way point of the season, and no one....has set themselves apart from the competition. As I speak, I just watched Kentucky QB Andre Woodson throw another interception as Kentucky is losing to LSU. Michigan running back, Mike Hart had 102 yards and 2 TD's today against Purdue......but sat out the 2nd half with a bruised right ankle. Arkansas tailback, Darren McFadden, may still be the odds on favorite, but his team is struggling in the SEC West. Which brings us out west.....There is that talented QB out of Oregon (Dennis Dixon), and the gunslinger out of Hawaii, Colt Brennan. Some time within the next couple of weeks, somebody has to step up......and be heard......better yet.....just be seen.....hopefully by Heisman voters.

Andre Woodson
Darren McFadden


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