Sunday, February 10, 2008

In a move that stunned not only the true blue professional football fan......but also the casual viewers of HBO........The Home Box Office channel abruptly canceled "Inside the NFL".

The show ran for 31 years and provided us 60 minutes of commercial free high lights and in depth insight with interviews and human interest stories.

We all have grown up enough to realize matter how ......inevitable. However.........I've always had the mindset ......that ........if it ain't broke........then .......don't fix it.

HBO has long been a pioneer in first run movies, boxing, tennis and politics. It has been reported that this was not a financially motivated decision (HBO doesn't collect any advertising revenue). The move was made because the industry has evolved.........

Believe this...........It is about money........Canceling the show means HBO absolves itself of paying salaries to Bob Costas, Dan Marino, Chris Collingsworth, Chris Carter and Peter King. Not to mention the production and studio costs.

The NFL owns the video footage the show aired.............My guess is that since the NFL also owns the DirecTV NFL Network.........."Inside the NFL" will re-emerge .............probably with different hosts and announcers.........on.........yes........ the NFL Network.

Here's what others are reporting..........

HBO sacks the wrong show

HBO pulls the plug on 'Inside the NFL'

Collinsworth surprised by axe

The long run is over for ‘Inside the NFL

Obviously......this is not the end of the world............but.........why.....why take something good and wholesome.......something pleasing.....something watchable....something the air. I sometimes think.....the powers that be.........simply out think themselves......


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