Monday, February 4, 2008

New York 17, New England 14.............

Super Bowl XLII...... a game for the century. The greatest game ever played. The best Super Bowl ever. Or was it?

I caught a little pre-game activities (Alicia Keyes was great). The American Idol chick did a decent job on the National Anthem........I even thought Tom Petty put on a rather juicy half time performance.

I saw just about all the commercials.........( the Bud Lite spots again ruled)....and those animals dancing to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" was pretty cool...

But for the game itself.........after 3 quarters, the score was 7-3. Hardly the offensive shoot-out predicted by so many sports geeks.

For 3 quarters the game drug along in a defensive struggle. By the time the fourth quarter rolled around, my tired eyes were getting just a little bit heavy.

It might have been during a commercial.......or between a play.......I honestly can't remember.........

But ......yes I fell the time I woke up........FOX was doing their post game interviews. New York had won on a last second touchdown drive which produced (so I've heard) the greatest throw and catch in Super Bowl history.

Thanks to ESPN and the Football Network, I have had a chance to see that play no less than a dozen times. But .......I missed it!

In a game watched by more people ever in the history of the NFL........your fearless leader of 5 on Five missed the final minutes.......Makes a grown man want to cry......

The Super Ending........I did not see.


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