Monday, February 25, 2008

Weekend Reviews...........

Thoughts........from a fairly decent weekend... happens...
but for Nascar.....Rain is a stoppage of racing. Why? We've all driven in the rain. albeit not
at 200 miles per hour. But ......still....these are supposed professionals. The best drivers in the world. And they can't deal with a little rain? Yesterday's race was postponed till today...until the rains ended. Go figure.

Tiger Woods is all that and more......

Woods demolished his opponent in yesterdays' match play event. Of the events Tiger has chosen to participate in this year.....He is batting 1000. He has won every contest. This is team mates......just you against the field. And the field is no less than 150 fellow golfers.....Please .......enjoy Tiger...for we have never seen such greatness in our life time.

The 80th annual Academy Awards aired last night.....While there was much debate on what he or she (mostly shes) was wearing.....the fact remained......Did these Academy voters actually w
atch the films? It has become such a long and drawn out process.......the average viewer throws up ones arms and says, "Who cares?"

Tennessee Wins.......In the most hyped game of the NCAA to date....the #2 Tennessee Volunteers beat the #1 Memphis Tigers.....Memphis was done in by their failure to hit free throws.

Headline.....I just don't get: From the AJC:
Bibby's a difference maker

Dah!!!.............The Hawks are sorry.......note to Hawks brass: "Bibby is past his prime.....the Hawks were losers without him.....and will be losers with him"


In a heated Scrabble game this weekend.....I was out pointed by one of our 5 on Five contributers (That Peach ....from Georgia).... put up a good fight though...


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