Monday, May 9, 2011

Say it ain't so,  Whitney....

Whitney Houston In Out-Patient Rehab Program

Whitney Houston has checked herself in to an out-patient rehabilitation program ... TMZ has learned.


A source directly connected with Whitney tells us ... Houston enrolled in the program around 10 days ago.  The program allows Houston to go out in public ... as long as she has a monitor.

Just last weekend, Houston was enjoying herself at a Prince concert in L.A. ... with her daughter right by her side.

Our source is not saying why Houston is seeking treatment ... but we're told, "She's cleansing herself to get ready for a new movie."

Whitney's Rep: Drugs and Booze ARE The Problem

A rep for Whitney Houston says the singer is receiving treatment in an out-patient rehab program for drugs and alcohol as part of a "long-standing " recovery process.


TMZ broke the story ... Houston voluntarily enrolled in the program around 10 days ago.

Houston has admitted her problems with substance abuse in the past ... but TMZ has learned the demons have resurfaced.

A music industry source who was with Whitney two weeks ago tells us, "She was plastered and she was a mess."


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