Sunday, May 1, 2011

"Lowe" .......Rider

Not a good week....for the Atlanta the field...

We've all been our younger days...

"Souped " up a red to another... "souped up car.

You know what happens next.

The only problem is.......we did this teenagers....not 37 year old grown men.

Thus is the problem Braves pitcher Derek Lowe is facing.

There comes a time when we must .....grow up.

Obvious something lost in Mr. Lowe's thought process.

A little late....but here it is.....courtesy of Business Insider:

Atlanta Braves Pitcher Derek Lowe Arrested For DUI After Racing His Porsche Against Another Driver

Derek Lowe Mugshot

Atlanta Braves ace Derek Lowe was arrested last night for driving under the influence after having been spotted allegedly racing another vehicle.
Lowe then refused a Breathalyzer test and was subsequently taken to jail.

The long tenured sinkerballer was charged with a DUI, reckless driving, and failure to maintain his lane. The arresting officer "detected a strong order of an alcoholic beverage" coming from the interior of his 2011 Porsche Panamera. The other driver was charged with reckless driving only.

Major League Baseball players have had a season long epidemic of getting caught while driving under the influence. Lowe is the fifth player to get nailed just this season, along with Miguel Cabrera of the Tigers, Adam Kennedy of the Mariners, Austin Kearns of the Indians, and Coco Crisp of the A's.

And it's not even May yet.

The Braves had an off day yesterday, and were already dealing with the blow back of their pitching coach Roger McDowell making homophobic comments and sexualized gestures towards San Francisco Giants fans.


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