Sunday, May 15, 2011

On this Day.....

Today is Sunday, May 15, 2011

Today in
Sports History

1862 - Brooklyn's Union Grounds opened. It was the first enclosed baseball park.

1926 - The New York Rangers were officially granted a franchise in the NHL. The NHL also announced that Chicago and Detroit would be joining the league in November.

1935 - The Pittsburgh Pirates beat the Philadelphia Phillies 20-5.

1941 - Joe DiMaggio began his major league baseball hitting streak of 56 games. The streak ended on July 17th.

1965 - The Canadian Football Players Association was organized.

1973 - Nolan Ryan (California Angels) pitched his first no-hitter.

1980 - The U.S. Basketball League canceled its summer schedule.

1991 - U.S. President Bush took Queen Elizabeth to Oakland A's-Baltimore Oriole game.

1993 - The Montreal Expos retired Rusty Staub's #10. It was the first number retired by the team.

1993 - In San Antonio, TX, the Alamodome opened.

1995 - The Vancouver Canucks set an NHL playoff record when Christian Ruutu and Geoff Courtnall scored shorthanded goals only 17 seconds apart.


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