Tuesday, January 22, 2008

With the New York Giants victory over the weather elements and the Green Bay Packers, let us shout out a "Hallelujah" and a "thank-you".

All season long we have been subjected to one Brett Farve story after another.......after another. Brett Farve........He loves his team mates ..........Brett Farve, he plays the game the way it should be played. Brett Favre, the ultimate gunslinger........Brett Farve, a "mans' man. ESPN even got Mrs. Farve involved in one of its' Monday Night Football telecast.

Well, thanks to the 23-20 overtime victory (in Green Bay), at Lambeau Field , the Giants have effectively put an end (for now) of that love-fest created by the national sports media.

All week long we were told that Eli Manning........he of the low lands of southern Mississippi....could never deal with the cold chill of 6 degrees and a wind chill factor of 20 below in that hated atmosphere of Lambeau Field.

Well seems they somehow forgot just where Brett Farve was born.......Try Gulfport, Mississippi. And he went to college at Southern Miss. The media would have us believe Farve was born, weaned and raised on the frozen tundra of Green Bay.

Bottom line? Southern boy #2 (Eli Manning) got the better of southern boy #1 (Brett Farve) on Sunday night. And that's a good thing.

We now get a 4 month break from the media's love affair with Mr. Farve.


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