Thursday, January 24, 2008
From the AJC.......
Racy photos cause Shockley to resign
So..........former University of Georgia quarterback D. J. Shockley is in the news........no big deal.....
Unless, his father happens to be one Donald Shockley.....the high school football coach at metro Atlanta's North Clayton High School.
This is fast becoming a sports story as well as a high tech story.............
Seems Mr. Shockley solicited one of his students to "fix" his personal computer ..........low and behold.........the student finds these illicit photo's of Shockley and a female assistant principle in some rather uncompromising positions .......
Said student then spreads the images all over the school..........
Two points here.............
Mr. Shockley, do you have ............half a brain?
Said student............. do you have any back bone?
Indeed........Mr Shockley messed up............ It is a bad scene......... but this little punk took the easy way out by outing Shockley and his female co-conspirator .
Note to .........everyone.........
Fix your own stuff..............
Never let your hard drive come into the hands of ............anyone......anywhere............especially geeks like this one....in this case.
Labels: DJ Shockely, University of Georgia