Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Georgia ....being Georgia

From the Red & Black.........

Athletes face DUI, alcohol-related charges

Yes it's college.....and boys will be boys. But the must disturbing part of this whole fiasco is the comments to the police officer by one of the arrested Georgia players:

Munzenmaier told the officer he thought the police car was a taxi and tried to flag it down. The officer searched Munzenmaier, and afterwards he "thanked me for 'costing him two games,'" the officer wrote. He asked what sport Munzenmaier played.

"'Look at me,'" Munzenmaier replied, according to the police report. "'What sport do you think I play?'"

On the way to the Athens-Clarke County Jail, Munzenmaier told the officer it was "obvious 'we have it out for them.'"

Munzenmaier expressed concern about "a point system that the police have apparently against athletes."

Munzenmaier told the officer to "shut up" and used an expletive because "he didn't want to make small talk."

Please note that Munzenmaier is a third string fullback who rarely saw game day action......If he has this kind of feeling of entitlement ........I can only imagine what the real stars are thinking.

Such is the reality of big time football in the south.........Georgia, just being Georgia.


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