Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Woman claims Pacman punched her at strip club
Courtesy .........The Atlanta Journal Constitution ......
Is Pacman Jones not the biggest moron in the whole wide, wide world of sports? Does he ever want to play professional football again? Can he ever steer clear of "Topless Bars"? As of this post.......no charges have been filed.......but we really question the judgment of one Mr. Pacman. Already serving a year long suspension, why would he put himself in harms way? Pacman deserves everything he gets on this one..........How about just going home and serving your suspension and .......keeping a low profile!!!
Richmond Braves coming to Gwinnett
Yes........it's official. After a 42 year stint in the AAA International League city of Richmond, Virginia, the Atlanta Brave are moving their affiliate to metro Atlanta.
Terrell Owens crying during press conference, defending Romo
I laughed when I saw this ............the above link will include a YouTube video........Come on, T.O. The real reason you're crying? No team that you have ever been on has ever won a Super Bowl........save it... for some one who gives a rat's ass about you or those over-rated Dallas Cowboys.
And finally...........