Tuesday, July 8, 2008

When did this happen?

I was not one asked me...........

The Atlanta Journal Constitution raised their price of their newspaper from 50 75 cents.

I guess it happened Monday, July, 7th..........2008. I don't after work, I usually stop by a convenience store to get a paper. Monday, there was a guy buying lottery tickets ahead of me......Not even thinking of an increase, I hand the clerk 2 quarters........and I'm gone.

I guess he didn't realize the price increase either.......he didn't chase me down for that additional 25 cents.

But today.........Tuesday.......75 cents is the going rate.

Only USA Today charges 75 cents...........and it is national.

Even my New York tabloids still only charge 50........

Don't these newspapers realize the age of cyber-space?

I have no less than 150 newspapers across the country book-marked.......I can read them at my leisure... and ..........they are free! And........there is no need to try to find the recycle bin.

I am not one these people who will claim, "I'll never buy another newspaper"...........but I will say this. " never ask took me for granted.....and that will pay for. Your Sunday edition is $2.50..........I quit buying that years ago. It's .......just a bunch of dead trees........ground into paper. Trust ain't worth it."

75 cents?

I may go to Monday, Wednesday , and Friday........Did you guys do any research?

75 cents.......for a newspaper........$4.09 for a gallon of gas? What's next? A $20 hair cut?

I just may have to shave my a moped..........and cyber-space my newspapers.....



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