Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Folks.....We're Still Behind

This is day 198 of the year 2008........

There are 366 days in this leap year. We have made 182 posts thus far. Which puts us 16 posts behind.

Our goal for 2008 at "5 on Five" was a post ........a day.

And..........we're behind.

Send your e-mails..........send your comments..........

Send help..........and posts.....Get GaPeach913 and 6eVoice to get off their collective butts.......and post something.

I'm reaching out.......send help to Keveekev!

My back is getting just a little tired...........from carrying this blog.

If you wish to be a contributing writer........e-mail us's an open audition.

All reasonable responses will be considered.



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