Thursday, July 24, 2008
You.....of the slogan, "We got next".
You..........with the ESPN television contract........
Well........"you"........just threw assistant coach and former NBA star Rick Mahorn....under the proverbial bus.
"You"..........suspended Mahorn for two games........He was only trying to be a peace-keeper.
"You " say Mahorn shoved Lisa Leslie to the floor.....I...beg to differ. He came out onto the floor to restore peace........She rushed him........He.....at 6' 10"........turned.....and .....she fell.
And what came next? According to "you"..... he (Mahorn)........knocked down .......a mother of a child........
Well.....lah dee dah............ Mahorn just happens to have 4 daughters of his own.
But wait.........listen............When an altercation happens ...........in Men's sports.......Do we say, "So and so, hit ........a father .......of three.........No? I think not.
WNBA...........you wanted "next"...........You got it.
You wanted equality......you got it...........
But when the going gets rough............don't pull ...........that female card..........
It's in the game........
Wanted .......next!
Labels: ESPN, Rick Mahorn, WNBA